About the Project

“Data Management and Targeting Software (shortly known as “CEDetect”) Project, which is the service procurement component of the "Improving the Detection Capacity of Turkish Customs Enforcement" project carried out within the IPA-II Period within the scope of the Interior Affairs Sub-Sector, covering the 2014-2020 programming years of the European Union Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Instrument, is a software project carried out for harmonization with the EU Acquis and dissemination of EU standards.

The project, financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, whose Contracting Authority is the Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) and the beneficiary is the Ministry of Trade, the General Directorate of Customs Enforcement, was approved by the European Union Delegation to Turkey on 19 March 2018. The project, which started to be implemented with the technical support of the consortium led by TÜBİTAK on 10 June 2019, has a duration of 30 months and a budget of 1,925,944,00 Euros.

Thanks to the project, the customs surveillance and control function and administrative, technical and operational capacity of the Ministry of Trade will be increased, the command control of the Customs Enforcement will be strengthened, and the dominance of the Customs Enforcement in the Customs Territory of Turkey will be supported.

The main beneficiary of the project is the General Directorate of Customs Enforcement, and the target groups are the employees of the Customs Enforcement Command and Control Center, the relevant units in the General Directorate of Customs Enforcement, the Regional Directorates of Customs and Foreign Trade and other relevant stakeholders.

Consortium Partners


1. Scope of the Project

With the project, a decision support system that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning models will be brought to the Ministry in order to support the intelligence and risk analysis activities carried out in the fighting against smuggling.

Within the scope of this component, in order to improve the detection capacity of customs enforcement;

  • A new data management tool will be developed to process all relevant data from sources such as the Decision Support System, Anti-Smuggling Database and Vehicle Tracking System,
  • The new data management function will be developed and customs control software programs and all kinds of communication tools developed for the future will be supported,
  • The Anti-Smuggling Database will be integrated into a reporting and visualization tool as part of the new data management tool.
  • Monitoring of real-time data will be transformed into a comprehensive system that will take further steps such as assessment, decision making and proactive response to cases.

2. Fields of Activity

There are project targets envisaged within the scope of the project and 7 areas of activity to be implemented in order to achieve these targets.

Activity I: Current Situation Analysis

Existing legislation, documents and information systems for the relevant areas of the Ministry will be examined and reported.

Activity II: Project Planning and Management

The technical, administrative and scientific management of the project will be coordinated. Configuration Management, Quality Management and Risk Management plans of the project will be prepared. Preparation of Project Planning and Management, a Configuration Management Plan

Activity III: Preparation of Business Process Modeling

The requirements, components and architecture of the new data targeting system will be defined.

Activity IV: Development of New Data Management Tool

A new data management tool that will assist Customs Enforcement personnel in data and risk management and will integrate cloud technology, big data and machine learning technologies, will be developed.

Activity V: Software Integration and Testing

The software integration of the components of the newly developed data management tool will be realized and tested.

Activity VI: Creation of Risk Profiles and Integration of World Customs Organization Customs Risk Management Corpus

Under the guidance of the Customs Risk Management Corpus created by the World Customs Organization, risk profiles for Customs Enforcement personnel will be created and integrated into the system.

Activity VII: Capacity Enhancement Activities

Within the scope of Capacity Enhancement Activities, domestic and international visits will be made, guides will be prepared and trainings will be given to Customs Enforcement personnel to introduce the new system.